… and all on Autopilot – “Send Your Posts Around The World”!
We’re running some tests this week on some WordPress Plugins that will automatically take your post and send it to your Twitter account. And then if you’re like me you’ll have your Facebook account linked to your Twitter account so just making that 1 post will send it to 3 different places.
Why is that good? Because it means triple the exposure.
But you might say “But they’re not really quailfied visitors” and you’d probably be right, to a point.
They obviously do have some interest in your subject or they wouldn’t have followed the link in your post. You might never make direct money from some of these visitors but there is a positive side spin.
That’s what’s so beautiful! You’ve taken the time to write an article or “post” so why not have as many readers and traffic as possible with no effort at all?
This is where it gets really sexy – all those “posts” become a back link to your site which basically means lots of “people” are “looking” back at you. And in the “Search Ranking & Traffic War”, that’s a very good thing. Just like back in the old school days – it’s just like being a part of the “IN” crowd – if you’re “IN”, everyone wants to know you – it’s the same online.
I did a test the other day with this and within 1 minute and 4 seconds I’d had 36 visitors! 1/3 of them were “bots” and that’s fine, it all means traffic and a back link. (Yes, I know you want longer staying and qualified visitors but it’s all valid in the online ranking war)
Is it all you need to do with your site? Of course not but it’s a no brainer because once it’s set up – you do absolutely nothing!
Here’s the deal – “Make a comment NOW” and for the “Smarter Website Members” we’ll install the best tested Twitter plugin as a part of your membership.
For non members – make a comment and I’ll post the shortlist of those plugins for you.
Thanks for the post Peter – you’ve encouraged me! it’s definitely time to start reading blogs and making comments!
… and so now you have a link back from my site to yours. Nice to have feedback that I’ve encouraged you so make sure you do make valuable comments. That’s just one of the many strategies I’ve used to get from a Zero Page Rank to a 3 and to zoom up the Alexa ranking (plus a whole heap of back end stuff that I can’t let out or I’ll have to maim you – lol). Thanks Inara. Have a look on my site about getting a Gravatar too…
Hey Peter, Ia m a great fan of your Email Marketing program. Seriously people get onto this. Now I’m looking forward to adding the best plugins on my site. Cheers Kurt