Martin Luxton of Wealthwise - 'can do attitude' - Smart Mortgage Marketing

Martin Luxton of Wealthwise – ‘can do attitude’

Peter has been very proactive and helpful all the way from setting up our website to implementing SEO and Social Media strategies. We are also very happy with the ‘can-do’ attitude of his support team.

Martin Luxton

436-438 Vincent Street West, West Leederville WA 6007
PO Box 508, Leederville, WA 6903
Phone: (08) 9380 6333 Fax: (08) 9381 2728

Peter Butler

A passionate person known to be a serious “hobbiest” with a must for drinking only G.O.D Coffee (Ground On Demand). Love “Making Websites Work”, hence “Smarter Websites” by converting dead dormant websites into profitable websites… one at a time if necessary!

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