Just had this email in from James, thought you’d appreciate the irony. “Don’t sell and they’ll buy!”
Hi Peter,
Just thought I’d drop you a note to let you know what has been happening with my web site – www.productivitycoaching.com.au.
Originally I thought that it would be for selling my services, I envisaged using adwords etc. to generate traffic and gain clients from that.
What I have noticed however, is that it is working in a very different way.
When I meet someone and give them my card or a complimentary session coupon, or even do a mail out or any other promotion locally, they generally go online to get a good feel for who I am and how I can maybe help them in their unique situation.
It helps give me credibility as there are a lot of relevant articles & videos to check out that give valuable information WITHOUT TRYING TO SELL.
It is a brilliant relationship building tool that actually sells by not selling!
How about that! All I do is keep adding material and subscribers and let what is now my new process work.
Thanks again Peter,
Jim Bryden
Business Development Manager & Productivity Coach
Mob: 0421 210 444
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