Make sure you get your website right, otherwise it’s just like peeing upwind… you end up losing and just get wet.
So many people look at the investment they make into their marketing as a cost. Ahh, wrong!
The 3 Step Website Plan – Get Visitor + Convert Visitor Into Lead + Convert Lead Into Client = $$$ in BANK!
If your website is set up to turn ‘visitors’ into warm leads and you have a system that converts leads into paying clients then you have a “marketing machine”. It should be your own personal ATM.
Let’s do some numbers. If your average client is worth say $500 to you. If you invest say a nominal figure of $5,000 or even $10,000 into a systemised website and lead generation “machine” then you OWN your marketing machine in 10 to 20 deals.
And then it will go on producing a solid profit for you with minimum effort. That has to be the best investment ever. You OWN a “marketing machine”.
It does my head in when I see people skimp on this and say “I’ll just get a simple website for now and get a proper one later, I just want to get online for now”. It’d be like getting your sign writing done in water colours.You wouldn’t!
For some businesses having an on-line brochure style website is fine. Like an earthmoving company that gets it’s business by a tender process. They don’t need lead generation, social media marketing or even much search engine optimisation.
But for anyone who wants their web visitors to then do business with them. Will they find your website? Will they call you if they do?(You live in hope!)
Maybe they’re not ready right now. And you think they’ll remember you when they are? Good luck with that! There are something like 800 websites an hour being produced and hitting the internet. The competition has never been tougher.
Here’s the question you should be asking yourself.
“Does the system I use to get clients work? ” and “Is it the best use of my time?”
Really it come down to this – “Do you need an on-line system to help you get more clients?” and “Do you need a system to lock in your existing clients?”.
We’ve now set up our websites with plug in “modules” so if you don’t have the cash in the bank for the full enchilada we can get you “live” for minimal outlay and you can “plug in” the lead generation module and the social media module as you grow your business.
Here’s the thing – your business will never outgrow the Smarter Websites module system.
Why would you spend money twice on the same part of your ‘marketing machine’ now we’ve made it simpler to get your business online.
Just love it when we can showcase new sites. Especially when I’ve just spoken to Stephen and Kerrie and they’ve just signed up their first client.
When we first publish a site I normally do a “Goes LIVE” post but I forgot to do that with Stephen and Kerrie’s site. Sorry folks, so here here it is.
“Profit Growth Specialists goes LIVE”… (and here’s their rave)
We can’t speak more highly of Peter Butler and Smarter Websites. His knowledge of web design far outweighs any body else we have spoken to.
The best part about Peters service is the continual communication. He has always been, and continues to be available, to answer questions.
The web-building process is extremely well thought through with an easy on-line structure enabling you to answer questions or upload information, graphics and videos.
Whilst the actual web site is what the consumer sees, it is the capabilities of the back-end that is the real strength of a “Smarter Website”.
Stephen & Kerrie Butler –
To find out how we can “plug” these modules into your online presence and convert your online brochure into a “money machine” then contact Peter Butler here.
haha I’ve got a feeling I inspired you with that blog! 😛
As if! LOL