Most People Underrate This SEO Factor
"How do I get my website to rank better in the Search Engines?" is a question I must get asked at least 3 times a week, every week. And this from both clients and prospects. Now this is a reflection on me, so for that I apologise straight up, I...
We Cracked the Code!
Had this question from a client, Nathan Peart of Scope Drafting this week! He needed to know what happened after people got his “5 Things Potential Owner Builders Must Know!” report. Here’s the question - If I have these people on my email list do they automatically get a copy...
Don’t Do This Unless You Want SPAM, It’s Just Downright Dumb!
The bane of all business owners is Spam. We can waste so much time filtering and dealing with it, even with all the great tools out there. But some people seem to have more of a problem than others. Why? How did they get your email address to start with?...
One Simple Step To Doubling Your Web Leads.
You've got a great looking website, you've got some traffic, you might even have some great lead generation strategies in place. Your website has some brilliant content along with powerful testimonials. All with a bent for a good user experience. So how can you increase your website enquiries and newsletter...
Profitable Personnel on Smart Email Software
Hello Peter, This is going to make my life so much easier. Your smart email system is a BIG time saver, great for data collecting and report compiling and perform these tasks better than more expensive systems on the market. Appreciate all your help and patience over the phone today...
Trish Bartlett on Smart Email Marketing
Hi Peter I just wanted to say that my first look at smart email has been exciting. I have found the prompts and information easy to use with great explanations. The site is very user friendly. I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge and using the many great functions...
Google Beta Testing Search Results… On… People In Your Social Circle…