Everyone Is A Marketing Expert, Apparently…
To build a really successful business we can't do it all. As a start up we might be the "Jack or Jill of all trades" but sooner or later... We get our bookkeeper to do the figures, the accountant to make it 'make sense' and work for the ATO and...
Don’t Do This Classic “I’m Gonna Get a Truckload Of Spam” Mistake!
Just caught one of my clients doing the classic - "I'll make it easy for people to contact me" mistake by putting my email address on the bottom of my post. Umm, woops! Spam galore coming your way soon. Leave it there for any length of time and I'll even...
# 1 Google Rankings in 6 Minutes… or Less!
Today you have a very real chance of becoming the 'King of the Mountain" in your field. Never before has it been easier to position yourself as the "guru" in be in spot # 1. Breaking News - "Real Time Search Engine Results" have begun! (and I have the evidence!)...
When Did You Last Do a Website BackUp?
Have you ever lost a Word document? Lost an email maybe? It happens, right! And it's an absolute pain in the butt! Not only do you lose a heap of time looking for it but there's the stress and drama that goes with it. Imagine if you lost your website!...
When Did You Last Do a Website BackUp?
Have you ever lost a Word document? Lost an email maybe? It happens, right! And it's an absolute pain in the butt! Not only do you lose a heap of time looking for it but there's the stress and drama that goes with it. Imagine if you lost your website!...
What Is Up With .au Domain Pricing?
Had a client who was getting ripped off for his domain name registration. To the tune of over $100. Ouch! He had a quite a few domains registered and we'd rebuilt some of his websites and well, I was getting confused because they were registered with different companies. I suggested...
Beware the “Server Upgrade” Spam Email
I've just upgraded our web hosting service to a "Dedicated Server" for all my websites, both my mine any clients. It was ironic that just after this upgrade this email came in from a client but first... Why did we upgrade? Security is one reason plus storage, speed and bandwidth...
SEO Results – “WordPress” site and a “Normal” site.
Here is an exact "You See the Results For Yourself" SEO difference between a "WordPress" site and a "Normal" site. A colleague and friend Tony was building his new membership card website using dreamweaver on a test domain of http://clubredonline.net/ He was spending so much time with all the tech...
New WordPress Update 2.8.5 Is Out
I've been keeping an eye out for the next version of WordPress. They've been doing beta testing on 2.9 but lo and behold they've done a mini update in the form of 2.8.5 - these guys are so committed to security. According to the official WordPress blog this is not...