I didn’t know how else to start this post.
Normally when we publish a new site I write a post so we can show it off. Plus the new site owner gets some traffic by people and the search engines, all a good thing.
Trouble is I’ve been so busy doing the “working in my business rather than working on it”.
Who can relate to that?
I now have 5 new sites and different themes to showcase.
So do I do a blurb on each in a different post or combine the showcase?
We don’t really have a butcher, a baker and a candlestick maker but actually a plumber, a photographer, a two way radio communications specialist, and an insurance broker and financial planner.
We used the Metric, the Landscape and also the NEW Delicious themes for these sites and modified them to suit the company colours, styles and needs. Gotta remember, it’s all about the functionality.
You can check out the new themes and sites by clicking on the thumbnails.
Having websites zoom up the Google charts is what Smarter Websites are all about so with tracking the search engine statistics I’ll update you soon on their success!
PS: One of these sites is a niche product and market my wife and I are entering, check it out, it’s the last thumbnail.
This is Impressive Plumbing in Port Hedland. This is the first website in our “Tradie” line up. Just love working with Tradie’s, being a tradie most of my life, love blue collar thinking, straight down the line and no ‘fluff’ with the task at hand. No over analysing, just get the show on the road and the job done.
This is Mobile Masters in Maddington. These guys have been around for 25 years. It was a real learning curve for me, the world of radio wave and GPS technology is quite amazing. Bet you didn’t know this! All the big name “celebrity” concerts and shows – these guys are behind the two way radio equipment hire for the security company’s that cover those shows. So there you go!
This is Julian Masters from my BNI Profit Express chapter. He literally has clients lives captured in photo’s. From courting to getting married and having babies to the kids parties. Their whole lives captured forever. Awesome stuff. Julian is so passionate about what he does.
This is LifeNet(WA). Tony Hughes handles all my personal insurance needs. They’re all a great team and certainly operate with amazing integrity and diligence.
This is a personal project I run with the help of my “better half”. We’re a stronger couple for the experience we’ve gone through, doesn’t mean to say I’d wish it upon anyone though. Check it out and register to stay tuned.
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